Hope en deuil : RIP Simon Sharp
By Olivier Béart -
Simon Sharp était un des deux fondateurs de Hope. Et pas seulement. C’était aussi l’âme technique de l’entreprise, l’ingénieur responsable du bureau d’études. Nous avions eu l’occasion de le rencontrer il y a près de 10 ans, dans la première petite usine de la marque. Ils n’étaient alors que quelques-uns à développer les produits. Il était tout fier de nous montrer son imprimante 3D, une des premières dans le monde du vélo. Aujourd’hui, même s’il a formé une solide équipe autour de lui, sa disparition laisse forcément un très grand vide. Voici les communiqués de Hope France et de la maison-mère en Grande-Bretagne. A qui nous transmettons nos plus sincères condoléances, ainsi qu’à ses proches.
Le communiqué envoyé par Hope France :
« Hope , est une entreprise que l’on qualifie de « familiale « . Mais dans ce moment tragique, avec la disparition de Simon Sharp , ce mot prend toute sa signification. Nous avons perdu un de nos piliers, un membre de notre famille. Certes, l’entreprise a de solides fondations et nous continuerons à donner le meilleur de nous-mêmes mais désormais nous le ferons aussi en la mémoire de Simon . J’ai eu cette immense chance de croiser sur mon chemin cet homme d’une d’une humanité exceptionnelle. Jovial, blagueur, il marquait toutes les personnes qu’il croisait par sa simplicité, sa gentillesse, sa générosité.
J’ai une énorme pensée pour sa merveilleuse femme Alison, ses trois enfants qui lui ressemblent tant, son père qui, à plus de 80 ans, venait tout les jours à l’usine et bien sur Ian Weatherill son compagnon de route dans l’aventure Hope. La vie continue. Mais chez Hope, lundi dernier, nous sommes tous devenue orphelins.
Encore merci pour votre soutien .
HOPE France
Communiqué officiel Hope Technology Ltd
It is with immense sadness we report the sad passing of Simon Sharp on Monday 4th July
Simon was one of the founders of Hope Technology alongside his friend and business partner Ian Weatherill. Every product in Hope’s almost 30 years history has had influence and input from him, from the disc brakes that originally made Hope famous through to the latest carbon fibre products. He was still in the factory every day keeping his watchful eye over all Hope’s product development, quietly working in the background, never seeking attention.
Simon was an accomplished motorcycle trials rider as well as competitive mountain biker, riding at the highest level in both. In May this year he rode in the Pre65 Scottish Two Day Motorcycle trial and the following week rode the Scottish Six Day Trial with his son Sam. An epic eight days riding around the Scottish Highlands that even his much younger son found challenging. Last year he raced his mountain bike in several rounds of the Enduro World Series in the Masters category for competitor’s over 40 years old and embarrassed many younger riders with his excellent results.
Every weekend he could be found either riding mountain bikes or trials bikes with his children and members of the Hope staff around the local Dales or further afield.
In his riding career he suffered several concussions, with the most serious resulting in brain bleed and it is believed that this may have led to CTE, a degenerative brain disease that arises from concussions and is associated with impaired judgment and depression and may have contributed to his death.
He leaves his wife Alison and three children, Sam, Katherine and Heather. He will be sorely missed and fondly remembered by all he knew him.
Everyone riding a Hope product has a part influenced by Simon Sharp and as a legacy will do for many years to come.